Over the river Progect for Arkansas River State of Colorado Park dale
1996 grafite fotografie e matita colorata su carta stampata 104.1x78.7 cm
Running Fence (Project for Sonoma County and Marin County State of California)
1976 51x76cm
Wrapped Monument to Cristo bal Colon (Project for Barcelona)
1976 tecnica mista 245.1x39.4 e 245.1x108 cm
Wrapped trees Champs Elysées
1969 71.1x55.8 cm
Wrapped Couch Project
1973 Collage di carta, stoffa, polietilene, spago, gesso, pastello a cera, grafite e graffette su cartoncino montato su pannello 71.5 x 56 cm
No biography available at this time.
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